
Reading as a habit is praised by everyone because it improves your knowledge, vocabulary, reading skills, broadens your imagination, and changes your perspective. Apart from this, introverted kids get a chance to start a conversation with their peers because of their interests on the same grounds. Tulips Kids Academy encourages such hobbies via enrichment classes for kids and helps them to excel in them.

Tips For Parents To Encourage Kids To Read

How Parents Can Encourage Kids To Reading

Have you ever thought, what if you were never introduced to a reading habit? What would have happened? It would have been a complete nightmare. The quote by Ernest Hemingway is a perfect example of this, “There is no friend as loyal as a book”. Even if you are left alone on an island, you can thrive and survive there with your best companion – ”a book”. Working parents tend to leave their kids either at childcare near you or alone at home or with a nanny. At such times reading as a hobby can help them to utilize time wisely. Apart from expanding knowledge, your child won’t feel lonely when you aren’t around. Being said this, inculcating the hobby at the right age plays a key role in the long run.

Read With Your Child

Kickstarting a habit in kids might be difficult for some parents. Initially, kids might find it boring, perhaps withdraw themselves. However, parents are the first teachers to kids. Often, toddlers and infants learn things by imitating you. Your likes and dislikes are watched by your child; they tend to pick up those habits from you. And you can’t force hobbies like reading on kids. If parents have a reading habit, they might imitate their parents and start developing one.

Know Which Book Genre Kids Like

Before you head to buy a book, know the genre. Do you know what kind of genre is liked by your kid? If not, then this is going to be a tricky part. Find what kind of activities keep them engaged the most? What excites them the most? Is it about animals, plants, comedy, stories, list it down? Initially, this is going to be a trial and error experiment.

Begin Reading Habit With Small Books

Don’t overwhelm them with huge books. Start with a step-by-step process. Let them get comfortable with the habit, then you can gift them with the bigger ones. Don’t forget to consider the age of your kid while buying a book. The vocabulary of the book may or may not be comfortable for your child. 

Boost Their Reading Confidence

Kids may be hesitant to start their reading journey. Spend some time reading together. Make them read aloud. Correct their mistakes with patience and encourage them.

Explore New Book Genres

In this vast ocean of knowledge, enrich yourself with a drop of wisdom. For this, sticking to one genre won’t help them to grow. Once in a while, you can try to explore new horizons.  Encourage them to read new things to expand their genres or give them as a reward for achieving something. Don’t worry, the kid’s section is filled with value-enriched storybooks, comics, mythology books you can find one to gift them.

Occasions To Gift A Book

You need not have a particular occasion or reason to give a book. Any time and every time is a good time for gifting a book. Even though there are no special occasions needed, you can consider these days for gifting a book like Birthdays, New year, Christmas, Summer holidays, or just as an encouragement gift. 

Contact Tulip Kids Academy for more information on Enrichment Classes near you, Summer Camps 2022 & After School Activities. Contact Us For Admissions To PreSchool & After School in Cupertino

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  • Super Fun Summer Activities For Preschoolers - Tulip Kids Preschool Indore / Reply

    […] Inculcating reading habits in preschoolers can be challenging for parents until you find the right niche for them. Spend some quality reading time with them to boost their interest in reading. Once they dive into the world of books, there is no coming back. The books are enough to keep them occupied. But for the initial phase, parents need to take the initiative by introducing them to the right books. Get More Tips On How To Encourage Reading Hobby In Kids.  […]

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